We also have information on Bulk Orders on the companion book 12 Keys for Marriage Success for your next Bible Study
*Allow 2-3 Weeks for delivery
TIPS on ordering for a Military Women’s Group or PWOC
12 Keys for Marriage Success
What a Wife Can Do to Create a Wonderful Marriage
Do you want to help the women keep in your group save their marriages, rekindle romance, and keep their relationships healthy for a lifetime?
Good news!
Wives can change their marriages even if their husbands don’t think there’s a problem.
“But Joyce, “you say, “Doesn’t a marriage take two people working on it?”
Yes, you’re right, and it’s also true we can’t make anyone else change.
Say a couple of dances in the middle of the floor when the wife decides to get a drink. Her husband has a choice of what he’ll do.
Most guys follow their gals to get a drink.
The same scenario happens in our relationships with our husbands. When we make a change—our guys respond differently.
The Bible puts it this way, “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.” Mathew 7:12 NLT

Before I took 12 Keys for Marriage Success, my marriage was going downhill quickly because I’d focused on my husband as the problem and all the negatives.
I hadn’t expected the problem to be me. But this marriage study showed me ways I could keep improving. Having dates with my mate was the most valuable part for me. But unfortunately, we didn’t have dates, and I needed to figure out how we could get dates back in our lives.
If I hadn’t gone through this course, our marriage would have reached a plateau. Now I’m growing when before I was stuck.

This Bible Study helps women
- Learn the secrets to fewer fights and more discussions
- Follow their husband’s lead without losing themselves
- Recreate the fun, excitement, and passion in their relationship
- Find joy, peace, and loving companionship

We also have information on Bulk Orders on the companion book 12 Keys for Marriage Success for your next Bible Study
*Allow 2-3 Weeks for delivery
TIPS on ordering for a Military Women’s Group or PWOC

Join Joyce Zook on this 12-session journey to build marriages that lasts a lifetime. Experience the transformation that happens when we apply God’s principles in and our marriages. As a result, we’ll learn to build long-lasting love affairs with our husbands and deepen our relationships with God.
My emotions were raw before this course, and I didn’t know if I wanted to be married anymore. We fought often, and I felt overwhelmed.
As we talked, I felt blessed and no longer alone on the journey, even with different ethnicities. I liked the way Joyce incorporated God in each step.
I learned to say something once instead of nagging and to put dates on the calendar. We also prayed the prayers at the end of each week’s study guide.
But if I hadn’t taken this course, I’d have pushed my husband away even more.
The 12 Keys for Marriage Success
Key 1 – Commit and Stick – Keeping our relationships healthy means we decide to stick it out and make our husbands a priority.
Key 2 – Think Like a Couple –After the wedding day, the couple becomes a unified whole, an original entity as a married team.
Key 3 – Let God Direct – When we trust God and experience His love, we increase our ability to love our mates unconditionally.
Key 4 – Give Your Best – We want to offer our husbands our best selves by developing healthy habits and caring for our bodies.
Key 5 – Save Time for Him – Whether it’s kids, housework, a job, or all three, we must make time to spend with our husbands.
Key 6 – Respect Your Man – We can learn to honor and cherish our guys as gifts from the Lord.
Key 7 – No Nagging – The Lord doesn’t need our help. He can transform our mates more than we think or imagine.
Key 8 – Admire Your Hunk – Although our guys seldom probe for a compliment, they welcome sincere words of approval.
Key 9 – Do It His Way – Respecting our husband’s role and following his lead does not mean we become a doormat.
Key 10 – Talk, Talk, Talk – With the right tools, we can decrease our arguments and resolve our issues with our husbands.
Key 11 – Date Your Mate – Dates protect our friendship with our husbands and maintain the passion in our marriages.
Key 12 – Light the Fire – A healthy marriage reflects a loving sexual relationship between a husband and wife.

The Leader’s Kit Includes:
- 12 Videos, each 15-20 minutes long to download for viewing in a study group.
- 12 Personal Study Guides to complete between the 12 weeks of group sessions. Download and print or share the file with the group.
- An autographed copy of 12 Keys for Marriage Success
- Leader’s Guide to lead a group discussion
- Weekly challenges and additional worksheets to take the message from our heads to our actions.
- 4 emails during the course filled with encouragement, to answers to your questions, and provide access to Joyce as you lead the group.
- Enhance your Bible Study with Joyce’s book, 12 Keys for Marriage Success. Bulk discounts are available!

We also have information on Bulk Orders on the companion book 12 Keys for Marriage Success for your next Bible Study
*Allow 2-3 Weeks for delivery
TIPS on ordering for a Military Women’s Group or PWOC
If you have a quesiton or comment, please send me a message
12 Keys Leader's Kit Questions
Before 12 Keys, I was hitting a brick wall and couldn’t communicate with my husband. He wouldn’t talk. I needed to refine my communication skills.
I loved the ladies in the course. When we got to gather each week we saw that we had things in common and could help each other..
The most important parts to me were no nagging, respecting my hunk, and doing it his way. I especially liked the openness without griping in the group. And the real solutions were fantastic.
Without this course, my marriage would’ve stunk. I’d have stayed frustrated and not liked my husband.