6 Ways to Stop Complaining

I felt angry and unhappy when I woke up. Jealousy coursed through my blood. My husband got several new expensive items and planned a hike on the Appalachian Trail with our son. Poor me; I didn’t have a fun vacation on the horizon, nor did I buy myself a pricey...

Accept Him As He Is

When our sons got serious about a girl and thought about marriage, I asked them to consider three situations before they got married Would he still love the girl who was nine months pregnant and no longer the slim trim gal she is now? How about the woman with the flu...

Can I Change My Marriage by Myself

Even though we might want to change our spouses, we can’t. Fact is, we don’t have the ability to make anyone willingly alter their behavior with our words or our willpower. The only person we can force to modify their actions is ourselves, which we often find...

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