Love Is Not Mean from 1 Corinthians 13

What does it mean not to be mean? One of the opposites of kindness is being mean. It’s easier than I thought to act mean, even without thinking about it. I often find it challenging to recall instances when I was mean, especially since I don’t like thinking about when...

The Power of Praise

There’s power for your relationships in praise. Blond, blue-eyed, outgoing, intelligent, quiet, tall, dark, and handsome, we found qualities we admired in the man we chose to marry. He’s your hunk, good-looking, and the man you believed made the perfect fit for...

Love Is Not A Know It All

Love in Action: Applying the Teachings of 1 Corinthians   Looking at what love is not, I catch myself with little thoughts, words, and actions that I used to think were insignificant, but they have more impact than I realized. I noticed I’m not as loving as I’d like...

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