Have you thought of having no phone zones? You may need them if you or someone in your family tries to have two conversations simultaneously, one on the phone and one in person.
Our phones are magnificent communication tools, yet they hinder our relationships with those closest to us.
Circle of Isolation
Phone snubbing causes the person not on the phone to feel rejected, excluded, and unimportant.
When two people are in a room, and one is on the phone, the other person feels ignored. So, to compensate for the lack of attention, they often pick up their phone and get on social media.
Thus, creating a continuous circle of isolation when our phones become more important than the people we are with.
Common Ways Phone Snubbing Hurts Marriages
- Pushes the other person away.
- Causes trouble communicating which results in more conflicts.
- Makes it harder to trust your spouse because the phone seems more important.
- Sex life suffers because of a lack of affection.
Creating No Phone Zones
How do we stop letting our phones become the third party in our marriages? Here are some tips to help us focus on our mates, not our phones.
- Mute your phone a half hour before bed and put it on the charger. But, of course, putting the phones on their charger an hour before bedtime is even better.
- Learn how to make a Do Not Disturb list, only letting a few chosen people through at night.
- Create No Phone Zones in your house. I suggest dinnertime, date night, and maybe even all evening if you can handle it.
- Snuggle with your husband at bedtime and leave the phones alone.