Is your mind full of self-defeating thoughts, worry, anxiety, or fear? These thoughts cloud our thinking and stop us from achieving what God wants us to do.
I’ve thought I’m not doing enough, which led me to “I’m not good enough.” But we don’t need to let our negative thoughts ruin our lives.
Did you know?
Our thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to actions that determine our results. We can transform our lives by changing what we say to ourselves and stopping the mental rat race.
We will turn our lives around when we consciously decide to think about the truth and biblically-based options.
Something’s not going right
I suspect something in your life isn’t going the way you’d like, and it’s filling your brain with clutter. The Bible tells us that we become what we think about. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. ~Proverbs 23:7 NKJV
We can get rid of the clutter, worry, anxiety, and fear in our brains to think clearly again.
Declutter your thoughts with these biblical steps.
- Capture the negative thought or feeling. Capture your rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. ~ 2 Corinthians 10:5
- Ask yourself if it is true. Fix your thoughts on what is true ~ Philippians 4:8
- Think of a more positive and accurate statement to say to yourself. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. ~ Philippians 4:8
- Practice until it becomes a habit. Keep putting into practice all you learned. ~ Philippian 4:9
We change our lives by repeating the process every time we catch ourselves saying the negative or untruth and replacing it with what we want and believe is true.
Example of an Old Thought about Exercising
THOUGHT―I don’t have time to exercise because the day has so much in it to do.
FEELING―I have no desire to exercise; it’s too strenuous.
RESULT―No energy, bad mood, and less coping ability
Example of a New Thought about Exercising
Capture the thought and tell yourself the truth. Change your thoughts. Here is a new idea and the new path this leads us on.
THOUGHT―Going for a walk won’t take that long, and I’ll be in a better mood today once I do it.
FEELING―I like myself and feel optimistic about the benefits of going for a walk.
ACTION―Put on your walking shoes and go for a walk.
RESULT―I’ll have more energy and a better mood all day.