A Woman of Influence follows the nudges God speaks to her heart through the Holy Spirit –often sensed as a gentle prompting, a still small voice, or an impression that won’t disappear.
God says, “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. ~John 10:27
The Holy Spirit talks to us all day, urging us to do God’s will with God’s nudges. Yet we usually ignore Him. Instead, we say we’re too busy to make that call, take action or move in a particular direction.
Or we don’t heed the nudge because we feel unqualified. But if God’s doing the nudging, He’ll give us the ability to do His will.
But What If
But what if we followed God’s nudges? What amazing things would God lead us to do? Who might He have us contact in their hour of need? What projects might we pursue that we thought were way beyond our ability?
When we answer those nudges, big things happen. God shows up and gives us all we need to carry out His will.
What Is a God Nudge?
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. ~Psalm 32:8
Some of the words used to describe a God nudge are:
feeling, confirmation, impression, inspiration, push, pull, whisper, still small voice, inner voice, a new idea, stirring, movement, disturbance, signal, thoughtful insight, inflaming, a sense that something isn’t right, a thought that won’t leave your mind.
Is the Nudge from God?
- Does the door open or do you have to knock it down?
- What would the devil have you do?
- What does the Bible say?
- Does your confidence increase or decrease in this thing?
- What do you feel in your heart of hearts?