How to Shift Your Mindset for Love

Often, with our busy lives, shifting our mindset from the stress of our days to love is a challenge. We get stuck and don’t know how to get in the mood for romance. 

Since I’m a grandma, I’ve taken the mantle of a Titus 2 Woman from Titus 2:4, instructing the older women to teach the younger women. (Yes, I did admit I’m older.)

Then, urge the younger women to love their husbands and children.

~Titus 2:4


Pick a Night  

When we set aside time for romance and intimacy, the anticipation increases our pleasure from the experience. 

Planning for sex won’t stop us from enjoying spontaneous lovemaking. Instead, it ensures we don’t ignore this vital part of our marriages.

Go ahead and make a plan. It’s ok to be the initiator. 

Pick a time or a whole evening to spend alone with your guy. If he feels tired or ill, postpone your plans for a passionate interlude to another time.


Shssh! It’s a Secret.

But he’ll catch on real soon.

There’s no need to tell our guys what we’re doing. They’ll figure out what’s happening when we do the things on this list. 


5 Tips to Move from Stress to Romance

1. NAP

Take a nap. Spending thirty minutes or even five on the living room floor with our eyes closed while the kids watch a movie gives us extra rest. 


Take a few minutes to make yourself beautiful. Shaving our legs and putting on makeup or lip gloss helps improve our mindset.  We want to feel good about ourselves and look our best for our husbands. 

3. HUG

When our guys or we get home, give him a thirty-second hug. Enjoy the closeness and pleasure we feel in those moments of reconnecting.


Later, kiss for a full ten seconds, even if you count to yourself. Yes, it might get mushy, but that’s the whole idea.


Tonight’s the night to give our husband a “view.” Wear party clothes, less clothing, or whatever he likes. 

Don’t look in the mirror if you don’t like how you look. Turn out the lights and light a candle. This view is for them, not for us.

Were you scared to try it? I encourage you to step out in faith and enjoy time with the man you love. Get creative, and put a sparkle back into your relationship. 

 I’d love to hear your story of how you went from stress to romance. Email me at

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