Do you feel tired and worn out? Has life or chronic pain sapped you of energy?
One night, I felt worn out from the constant challenge of dealing with chronic pain. I heard the Lord speak to my heart as I prayed and asked for help.
Come, sit in My presence. Open your heart to hear and receive what I want to give you. I love you, always have, and always will.
Jesus said,
Come unto Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens. ~ Matthew 11:28
God is there for us when we struggle or labor under a heavy workload or physical challenge that seems more cumbersome than we can carry.
I will give you rest. ~ Mathew 11:28
What a promise, rest. Our culture extols the greatness of busyness and overcrowded schedules. But God says we find peace and refreshment in our fast-paced world through Him.
How to Rest in God’s Presence
Take My yoke upon you. ~ Mathew 11:29
Taking God’s yoke means we let Him manage our lives His way. We choose to walk at His pace, not behind or in front of Him. We focus on what He wants and complete the job He gives us in His timing.
Let Me teach you. ~ Mathew 11:29
He answers our requests and helps us learn to follow His path. Our life becomes the classroom, and the Bible serves as our textbook. The Holy Spirit instructs and guides us through each scenario we encounter.
When we walk yoked with God,
(His) yoke is easy to bear. ~Mathew 11:30
We will follow God’s plan if we don’t argue or complain about where He takes us. Our lives get easier to manage as we give Him control and obey His guidance. It’s in His presence we find rest.