Have you wanted a new friend? Many ladies find it easy to make friends and consider everyone their friend. However, for others, making friends is more complicated. 

If you find forming a friendship hard, these tips will help you cross the bridge from acquaintance to friend.


1. Pray – Tell God how much you want a close friend and ask Him who He might want you to get to know.

2. Talk to Someone – The next time you’re at a Bible study or another group, look around and let God lead you to a woman. Then, move towards her and strike up a conversation. 

“Hi, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Joyce. What’s your name?” 

Then use one of these lines:

  • How long have you been coming here?
  • How do you fill your time? (This allows for both women staying home and those working full or part-time a day from the house.)
  • What do you like to do for fun?

3. You Made a Connection – If the two of you easily carry on a conversation and it seems easy to talk with her, then suggest you get together again. Ask for her phone number and promise to contact her soon.

4. Contact Her – Later in the week, send her a text or call. Set up a time to get together in a public space. Maybe for coffee or coke or go to lunch together. And yes, I am the one who made the first phone call most of the time. But if she didn’t eventually call me, then the relationship remained one-sided, and I looked for a different friend.

5. Does it Work – If I felt comfortable talking with her, I’d pick a time and invite her to my home. However, I don’t usually ask a new woman to my house until I spent more time with her one on one and felt we shared common interests. 

6. Keep the Connection Plan to get together with your new friend once a week or each month. Friendships flourish when we stay connected. No connection? Them let the relationship will die.


There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother can.

~Proverbs 18:24


Join Joyce LIVE

February 21st, 2022

Do you want to save your marriage, rekindle romance, or keep your relationship healthy? But maybe your husband won’t do anything to help, and you think it’s a lost cause.

I’ve got good news for you. You can change your marriage with just you and God.

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