Is it true that we can’t change our marriages unless our husbands are willing to work on it too?
Here ‘my answer. Yes and No!
Okay, I know that isn’t very clear so let me explain.
Imagine This
Two people are on the dance floor, and one leaves to get a drink. The other person has to decide what they’ll do.
Usually, the other person follows and gets a drink too.
In our relationships with our husbands, this is what happens repeatedly. As we learn and apply a new skill to enhance our interactions with our men, they respond differently.
So, the answer of does it takes 2 to change marriage is both YES and NO. Yes, it takes two people to change a marriage
But, No- because the change starts with one person deciding to do something different.
Building without a Plan
Trying to improve our marriages without a plan feels like building a house without the architectural diagrams. We run into trials and a lot of pointless suffering along the way.
When We Have a Plan
Each couple is unique, but we create relationships filled with love and tenderness that are pretty similar. The Bible contains the instructions to build solid and reliable marital bonds.
My book and course,12 Keys for Marriage Success, combine biblical principles with practical tips and information. As a result, we get a plan to enhance our marriages and apply God’s truth in our everyday lives.
Invite God In
Remarkable transformations occur when we invite God into the process of rebuilding our marriages. He helps us uncover the love and companionship He intends for our relationships with our husbands as we practice the principles found in His Word.