Frustrated because you can’t get him to change?
Nagging doesn’t do any good.
Instead, make your home a no nagging zone.
Accept your husband just as he is and don’t withhold your affection or approval until he transforms into a dream image you have.
Trust God to work on your man in His time and His way. In the meantime, lavish your guy with love and forgiveness. Accept his faults and rejoice in his good qualities.
Just As He Is
When you adjust your behavior, your husband will modify his actions. He won’t change because you nagged and cajoled, but as a response to the changes, you make.
Consider dance partners; one takes a step, and the other follows, trips or stumbles. It’s impossible to move in the same direction if one dancer changes course. Your marriage partner responds similarly. He alters what he does when he observes the changes you make.
Prove Your Acceptance
Prove your acceptance and resist the urge to improve your man in any shape or form. Instead, change yourself and see how he responds. Besides, your biggest challenge will be to adjust your behavior.
It’s hard to make yourself do what you know you need to do. But with God’s help, you’ll become a more loving wife.
Believe the best of your hubby and trust God to accomplish His perfect plan in your lives. Accept your man as God’s precious gift, the one you chose to marry for better or worse and stop nagging him.
So now I am giving you a new commandment. Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. ~John 13:34
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12 Keys for Marriage Success
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