It’d be easy to have a full-blown Pity Party today, the kind where you eat chocolate−lots of cholate, read, cry, and moan “Woe’s me!”
We had a wonderful time at my High School Reunion that year, visiting with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time and seeing the places where I grew up. Then I caught a cold, stayed up too late, and felt like I coughed more than slept.
A couple of mornings later, I woke up almost rested and thought I had a whole day to tackle a bunch of work. But when I went into my office and grabbed my computer, I tripped over my coffee table and landed on my hand, pushing my fingers backward.
Did I say that I didn’t turn on the light? Oh, I missed that little part.
While I spent 20 minutes with ice on my hand and another 40 minutes trying to do things one-handed, my body said, whoa baby− I’m still super tired!
Is it time for a Pity Party? I’m ready!
Prayer Changes Things
As I prayed, God reminded me of the verse in Philippians that says to do all things without grumbling and complaining. (Philippians 2:14) What was the next thing God wanted me to do? Was it a Pity Party or something else?
Man’s steps are ordered by the Lord. How can a man understand his way?
~Proverbs 20:24
Really Lord? A head cold, tired and achy body, and then I tripped, spraining my fingers. I don’t understand God’s plan sometimes, and you may not understand your situation either.
What’s Next
A pastor and friend suggested that when things aren’t going our way or the circumstances seem out of control, we should ask, “What’s Next?”
When we ask God “Why Me,” we suggest that we know what’s best for our lives better than God. And we don’t.
God in time may show us why we went through certain situations, but for now, what we need to know is what to do next.
Slow Down and Listen
Slow down and listen to God answer the “What’s next?” question. Be Still and Know That I am God. (Psalm 46:10)
When I sat still that day with ice on my hand, I stopped focusing on God instead of my circumstances.
What has God allowed in your life today? Are you still asking God, “Why me?” or are you ready to say, “What’s next, Lord?” Pity Parties are easy. It’s takes courage, patience, and maturity to listen and follow God’s directions.