There’s power for your relationships in praise. Blond, blue-eyed, outgoing, intelligent, quiet, tall, dark, and handsome, we found qualities we admired in the man we chose to marry. He’s your hunk, good-looking, and the man you believed made the perfect fit for you.
The Tingles Wear Off
The tingles, excitement, and intense feelings of being in love often fade within six months to two years. After that, staying in love with our mates requires a conscious decision. We remain with our husbands despite changing emotions and appreciate their good qualities.
We hope our spouses won’t pay too much attention to the woman on the elevator who says, “My, you look strong.” Nor do we want them to respond inappropriately when the office girl compliments them on their success or flirts with them. Ignoring our mates can make them more susceptible to the influence of others.
Praise His Body and Personality
Let’s celebrate our men’s positive qualities: their big smiles, deep voices, muscular arms, work ethic, and dependability. Recognizing these traits usually decreases their desire to seek approval from the elevator woman or the office girl.
When we shower our husbands with love and gratitude, they respond with more of the passion and affection we crave.
Turn the Rest Over to God
We entrust the behaviors we disapprove of to God and let Him handle them as He sees fit. We choose to support our husbands as their best friends and lovers.
Do all things without grumbling, faultfinding, complaining against God, and questioning and doubting among yourselves. ~Philippians 2:14 AMP
Today’s Tip for a Better Marriage
Tell your husband what you admire about his body, personality, or ability to provide for you.