Why I Don’t Like Housework

I’m not particularly eager to do housework. The minute I get it done and move on to almost anything else, some part of the housework needs cleaning again. Then whoever says, “Thank you for making the house clean and pretty?” My wonderful husband says...

5 Ways To Stop Negative Thinking

Negative and positive thoughts cannot inhabit the same space. One or the other fills our minds until we decide to intervene. Both thought patterns lead us on a spiral path. We choose the upward spiral and look for the good in our situations. Or we take the downward...

He Thinks He’s Right

How do we get our husbands to listen when they think their right? We’ve tried talking to them, but they seem to block us out, and our concerns don’t get heard. Yelling didn’t work, getting mad didn’t work, and crying ended in frustration.    It’s harder for them...

Stay in Your Lane

If we push and insist our way is the right way, we lose more than we gain. Our actions result in strained relationships or possibly anger and resentment.  Is your way the only right way? If so, is it worth losing the closeness you feel with your husband? Few choices...

Fun, Friends, and the Future

As women, we often don’t include ourselves in our schedules because we forget, think it’s selfish, or get too busy serving others. Yet God tells us to love our neighbor the same way we love ourselves. It isn’t selfish to take care of ourselves, stay...

Shop Your Closet

After we’ve decluttered our closets of clothes that don’t fit, haven’t worn, and don’t like, it’s time to Shop Our Closets. We save time and money for other pursuits when we shop from our closets. What Does It Mean to Shop Our Closets? ...

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