Clutter costs us time, space, and money. It also takes away our peace of mind, freedom from our past, and personal identity.

Unhealthy emotional attachment is when we are obsessed over an item we can’t let go of to move on. As a result, we end up stuck in the past.


We Hang onto Things Because:

  • It holds sentimental value 
  • We got it as a gift
  • Letting go of it symbolizes the loss of a dream
  • We paid good money for it
  • We might need it someday


Clutter Keeps Us from What God Wants Us to Be

It’s hard to know how to declutter our stuff with our emotions tied to them. Yet we know our things keep us from receiving all God has in store for us. 

Stuff can extend our grief, cause us to not fully release our children into adulthood, keep painful memories alive, or stop us from pursuing a dream. 


Declutter Stuff and Emotions

Every time you pick up an item and don’t know whether to keep it, toss, or donate it, follow these steps to deal with the emotional attachments to your possessions.

  1. Pray – Ask God to help you release the emotions tied to each object. Then let Him help you create a new attitude about clothes, keepsakes, and yourself.
  2. Take Your Time –There’s no need to rush or act in haste. Embrace the feelings. Hold the good memories close and imprint them on your brain. 
  3. Let Go of Painful Memories – A friend kept beautiful blue beer bottles but realized they reminded her of an alcoholic dad. Likewise, items from an old boyfriend may remind you of unhappy times. Release them and let them go. 
  4. Save the Memory – Take pictures, create a memory box, or use an old-fashioned cedar chest. My cedar chest has baby clothes, my wedding dress, and memory items from my parents. I used an old family trunk as a coffee table and hung family paintings. 
  5. Call a Friend – You don’t need to do it alone. Ask a friend or spouse to help and give emotional support. Or call a coach. Through phone calls, video conferences, and in person, I’ve helped women declutter. 
  6. Share Your Abundance – God may bless you with this abundance to meet another person’s needs. Your excess may be the item they prayed God would provide. Ask Him who you can use your unused items.


Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new things I am going to do ~ Isiah 43:18-19


Watch Joyce’s Declutter Your Life

What emotions do you have tied to your stuff? What happens when it all goes on a truck and leaves?

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