6 Steps for Making Friends

Have you wanted a new friend? Many ladies find it easy to make friends and consider everyone their friend. However, for others, making friends is more complicated. 

If you find forming a friendship hard, these tips will help you cross the bridge from acquaintance to friend.

Friendship Dating 

Pray – Tell God how much you want a close friend and ask Him who He might want you to get to know.

Talk to Someone– The next time you’re at a Bible study or another group, look around and let God lead you to a woman. Then, move towards her and strike up a conversation. 

“Hi, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Joyce. What’s your name?” 

Then use one of these lines:

  • How long have you been coming here?
  • How do you fill your time? (This allows for both women staying home and those working full or part-time a day from the house.)
  • What do you like to do for fun?

You Made a Connection – If the two of you easily carry on a conversation and it seems easy to talk with her, then suggest you get together again. Ask for her phone number and promise to contact her soon.

Contact Her – Send her a text or call. Set up a time to get together in a public space. Yes, I am the one who makes the first phone call. But if she didn’t eventually call me, then the relationship remained one-sided, and I looked for a different friend.

Does it Work – If I felt comfortable talking with her, I’d pick a time and invite her to my home? However, I don’t usually ask a new woman to my house until I spend more time with her one on one and feel we share common interests. 

Keep the Connection Plan to get together with your new friend once a week or each month. Friendships flourish when we stay connected. No connection? Then let the relationship will die.

There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother can. ~Proverbs 18:24

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          6 Steps to Making Friends

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