I hear the rabble accusers making lots of noise. They tromp thru my head, saying, “You don’t match up. You aren’t like them. You don’t fit. “You’re not good enough.

Maybe you’ve heard the rabble when you thought you didn’t measure up.

My reasoning went like this, as flawed as it is. Since God loves me so much, I must do everything possible to please Him and my husband. But as hard as I tried, I kept goofing up. 

Unfortunately, I listened to the rabble, which made me feel discouraged, inadequate, and sad.

In a quiet moment, I hear God’s small voice remind me of His love for me. He’s looking out for my welfare and has plans for me. 

The noisy rabble-rousers accuse me of each failure, perceived or actual. My loving Heavenly Father calls me His child and tenderly holds me in His arms. 

There is a difference between the voice of the noisy rabble and God’s. The accusers want to condemn us and tear us down. God wants to shower us with His love and lead us in the right direction. 

When God’s leading doesn’t feel good, I take fears and concerns to Him.  If I’ve sinned, I confess my wrongdoings to God, and He forgives me, letting me start again. 

With practice, I trained my mind to listen for the Lord’s voice and not the accusers. Walking daily with the Lord, I listen for His guidance as He teaches me to be more like Jesus.

Thank you, Lord, that in You I am enough. Thank you for hearing my cries and for giving me words of comfort as you guide my life. 

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. ~ John 10:27 NLT

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you. ~Matthew 11:29 NLT

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