By making your own life more satisfying, you take pressure off your spouse to be your sole source of happiness.


A few years after we got married, I asked my husband what he wanted from me as a wife. My precious guy thought for a moment, then said, “Happy, healthy, and rested.”

If you want to ask your husband this question, I suggest a little caution. Ask him for no more than three things you can improve instead of a long list.

My husband’s request caused me to take a good look at my life. At times I’ve felt happy but not rested. In other seasons I’ve enjoyed happiness and rest but suffered from some ailment. 

I wanted to have all three─ be happy, healthy, and rested.


Give Your Best

The Bible says the Proverb’s 31 Woman is good to her husband all the days of her life, not most days. 

She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life. ~PROVERBS 31:12 NLT

Let’s make it our goal to give our men our very best and become excellent wives. We’ll need to take charge of our thoughts, maintain or restore our physical bodies as much as possible, and get plenty of rest. 

When we’re healthy in body, mind, and spirit, we are one of the greatest gifts we can give our husbands.



Several years ago, a TV show reported on a study about what happens when we get less than eight hours of sleep. Without enough sleep, they discovered that a person’s ability to think clearly was affected as if they’d drank one or two beers 

Most of us need at least 7 hours of sleep a night. If we don’t get adequate rest, we don’t make good decisions and struggle to control our emotions.


How to Give Your Best

Get plenty of rest to keep your energy level up so you can enjoy and cherish your husband.

What can you do this week to get more rest?

Surprisingly, more rest starts with dinner, which often means we need a meal plan. Strange, but true!

Are you not taking care of yourself? 12 Keys for Marriage Success will give you more ideas to take care of your health and create a successful marriage.

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