We see our men as the strong ones and seldom realize how much they appreciate positive attention. We don’t want our guys becoming attracted to the woman on the elevator who says, “My, you look strong,” or the girl at the office who flirts and compliments their work.

The Elevator Woman

Let your guy know how much you like his smile, voice, strong arms, and excellent work ethic. Admire his abilities, and he won’t seek approval from the elevator woman or the office girl.

Our husbands appreciate it when we acknowledge their sacrifices to protect and provide for our families and us. Let’s find ways to convey that we still think our guys are attractive. They need to hear our words of affirmation.

Focus on the Good

At one conference, when I asked the ladies to share a good characteristic about their husband, a woman in the middle of the room spoke up. She rubbed her tummy and the top of her head, saying, “I love his little round belly, his shiny bald head.”

Both we and our husbands changed since we first met each other. However, our life experiences provided us room to develop a little more wisdom: our bodies age and the family structure changed.

We See What We Look For

Look for the excellent qualities in your man. Take time to show your appreciation for his good features, talents, and abilities. Praise your spouse for his accomplishments and thank him for his love for you.

Tell him how much you like the color of his eyes, his strong muscles. Smile at him when he plays or reads with the children. Thank him for the task he did for you.

Adapted from 12 Keys for Marriage Success 

12 Keys for Marriage Success  – Check out the Bible Study Leaders Kit 

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