Creating No Phone Zones

Have you thought of having no phone zones? You may need them if you or someone in your family tries to have two conversations simultaneously, one on the phone and one in person. Our phones are magnificent communication tools, yet they hinder our relationships with...

Why Do We Nag?

Why do we nag when we know it doesn’t work?  I believe it’s because we don’t know what to do instead.  Nagging is when one person repeatedly pesters or harasses someone to do something or, put another way, asks for something more than once.  ...

How To Ask For What You Want

Try the Esther plan when you want to ask for something big from your husband. These simple instructions from Queen Esther of asking the king for a big request provide a good template for asking our husbands what we want. ~Esther chapters 4 and 5. Pray one to three...

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