by Joyce Zook | Mar 7, 2023 | Love Your Life, Love Your Marriage
Why do we nag when we know it doesn’t work? I believe it’s because we don’t know what to do instead. Nagging is when one person repeatedly pesters or harasses someone to do something or, put another way, asks for something more than once. ...
by Joyce Zook | Feb 28, 2023 | Love Your Life, Love Your Marriage
Try the Esther plan when you want to ask for something big from your husband. These simple instructions from Queen Esther of asking the king for a big request provide a good template for asking our husbands what we want. ~Esther chapters 4 and 5. Pray one to three...
by Joyce Zook | Feb 7, 2023 | Featured
Fights, or disagreements, as my husband calls them, are healthy- all marriages have them. But most of us haven’t learned how to fight a good fight and bring harmony out of a disagreeable situation. Instead, an argument erupts, and hurtful words and insults fly If you...
by Joyce Zook | Jan 10, 2023 | Love Your Life, Mompreneur
As a coach for women who are or want to be entrepreneurs, I get asked how to get the business done during our busy days. But, unfortunately, no one seems to feel like they have enough time. How to Prevent Burnout When You Work from Home Work in short burst of time....
by Joyce Zook | Jan 5, 2023 | Love Your Life, Mompreneur
Why would you want to work from home? Maybe you’ve dreamed of working from home now that the kids are in school or have left home. Or, with inflation rising, you’ve discovered that some extra income is necessary. Why I chose to start a business at 56 ...