Invite Joyce to Speak

Engaging, Entertaining, Educational

Bring Joy, Laughter, and Godly Wisdom to Your Event

Hi, I’m Joyce Zook. I’ll help you create the atmosphere and learning experience you want at your event. I offer practical and applicable ways to integrate biblical truth into our daily lives, empowering you with the tools to navigate life’s challenges.

I am available for podcasts, live and virtual events, churches, small groups, military wives, and MOPS groups. If you’re interested in having me on your podcast or speaking to your group, please click here to contact me. Click here. 

Retreat For All Ages!!

The Dressing for the King retreat is about how we dress physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It is full of practical and fun information to minister to all the ladies in your group.

Dressing to Serve – Unleash your inner beauty by learning to purge, pick, plan, and play. Build a wardrobe that works and saves time and money. ~ Genesis 1:27, 31

Dressing to Win the Emotional Battles– Dress in the Armor of God to defeat deception, false accusations, temptation, and runaway thoughts. ~ Ephesians 6: 11-18

Dressing from the Inside Out – True beauty comes from trusting God. A woman of a gentle and quiet spirit has found the answer to complaining and worry. ~ 1 Peter 3: 3-5a

Download Joyce’s One Sheet

Click On The Image Below

I’m thankful for women like you that the Lord uses for specific purposes.

Thank you for speaking wisdom into these moms’ lives!

~Marieli, MOPS Mom

Explore a Range of Topics –Click on a Tab

Don’t see a topic that suits your needs? I’ll work with your team and tailor a

presentation to your theme.

Love That Lasts a Lifetime

Learn the fundamentals of a successful marriage by accepting, admiring, and adapting to your husbands.

Creative Ways to Say “I Love You”

Express your love with your spouse in ways that resonate with them.

Date Your Mate

Discover why dates are important for married couples and free and low-cost date ideas to reignite the romance and passion.

Personalities of Marriage

Understand how to work with your husband’s personality to foster better conversations instead of working against it.

Balance Your Life

Reduce stress by understanding what God wants you to prioritize and what tasks can be left undone. Explore these seven essential priorities for life. (A Workshop is available for personal application.) 

Dressing for the King

Discover how to build a wardrobe that allows you to look your best in any situation while radiating with God’s love.

3 Friends

Cultivate intentional friendships to mentor others and share your faith in the various stages of life.

Practical Peace for the Holidays

Enjoy a calm and stress-free holiday season by focusing on what truly matters to you and you and your family.

8 Holiday Dates

Preserve the romance with your husbands during the holidays by engaging in fun and inexpensive holiday dates.

Media Kit and Endorsements

Please email me at, and let’s talk about your event. I speak to groups of any size, both in person and virtually, and will work with you to meet your needs.

You can download and share these documents with your planning team or decision-makers.

Joyce’s Speaking One sheet 

Joyce’s Bio

Endorsements from Around the World

Publicity Photos

Contact Joyce about your event.


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